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Thursday, March 31, 2011

It's Nabe♪♪

Otsukareina yess (´、ゝ` fufu

Today's dinner is。。。

After a long time??

I had nabeーーー

Looks delicious isn't iit

It was delicious you knoow hahhahhaー

Recently I've been so⇒badly getting a want to eat nabe illness you see

Finally today I had it you know

What nabe does everyone like??

Next time Reina wants to try ginger…ginger? something nabe

Because ginger can warm up body can't it

Also what else is theree (°O °)

What I've had up to now isー

Curry nabe
Soy milk nabe
Motsu nabe

………About that much perhaps?(・Д・)

Speaking of nabe it really is Malony isn't iit


It was delicious

Tanaka Reina no Otsukareina



How are youー

Reina is energetic

A (´∀`)

Look loook

Grandma sent me dekopon (・▽・)

Fruits you know

If they're eaten in the morning it's goodー right??

↑It's often heard isn't iit (°O °)


At Reina's house now there's also apple you know

Fruits are deliciousー aren't theyy

Today is concert 's rehearsal


Tanaka Reina no Otsukareina