At Ameba's mobile game
Gyaos appears a monster that Reina's imagined you know
It's limited to mobile so PC can't access it apparentーly
Anyway a Reina designed
Gift box I'll show iーt
The monster is still a secret (´、ゝ` fufu
Reina's monster is still not appearing but
It's still not decided when it will appear so
I'll report it agaiin
It's very cuteー so look forward to it okay
White Dayー☆ receiveed
From manager-san and Tsunku♂-san and such (●´∀`●)
A large amouuuーnt
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
【Maji desu ka Ska!】PV
Everyone thank you for watching
Can you choose the colour of the outfit or such yourself?(°O °)
There's that kind ofー comment but~
I can't choose the outfit you knoow!
It's already been decided from the start
This is also in the comments
It doesn't mean my Tour T-shirts becomes white
Reina is light blue as always you know 〃
New song outfit and Tour T-shirts' colours are unrelated you know~~~~。
Excuse the sudden pajamas (lol)
Reina's riders jacket is white but
The one I'm wearing inside is pink so it's all goodー
Yesterday I also did adjustment for concert 's outfit you seee
Look forward to it
Somehow you know~it has a new feel
A pic totally unrelated to the topic lol
Reina recently likes bottled gum you seeee
When I got hungry
【But there's no time to eat anythiーng (°□°`)】
It's useful for times like that
(´、ゝ` fufu
Now I'm in the middle of making CD&DL Data
I can't show the outfit so just the silhouette~~~~