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Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'm Home♪


I've come back in Tokyo

Thanks for lots of comments。

I'll read them as I sleep ok

If I read the comments、 seems like the emotions will be recalled again

Ai-chan and Eri were also saying what a nice live it was

Eri even on the car back home was still saying it

Sayu's hometown friend apparently came so she's in high spirits

Aika even 『It's sisterーsan's hometown so Aika will also say it!I'm homeー』 suddenly saying such things


Today from papa・senpai eーveryone we really received lots of gifts

Everyone was getting along noisily swarming to eat (lol)

Everyone was very pleased

Tsukushi mochi was received but the amount was too much piled up so

Aika brought all the box back home

Today truly various emotions were overlapping

Lots of impressions

Lots of laughing

Suppresing tears (lol)

Lots of happiness felt

Have to work even harder

I thought

Until next live there's about 3 weeks opened right

So lonelyー。

Today let's sleep while feeling happy

Everyone truly thank you

It'd be nice if next year too there's live at the same stage as today。

Tanaka Reina no Otsukareina

Reina the Happy Person。

Hometown☆Fukuoka's live is over

At noon performance papa
cousin senpai came to watch

Before it started I met papa though and at that time?

I received birthday present

Reina's birthday is at 11-11 but we won't be able to meet

Did papa know Reina's favorite thingsー

While thinking that could it be。。。

Somehow I don't know but a strange patterned scarf?lol

Or so I thought。。。

When I opened it。。。


DOLCE&GABBANA's sunglasses

↑The sides are glittering it's cute isn't it

As expected from Reina's papa huh

Reina everyday uses sunglasses so it's going to be very↑very↑ used

It's like a surprise present

Did I use surprise correctlyーy?(lol)

Papa's love
was really felt

I want to meet papa quickly

I don't want to go back to Tokyoo

The teary Tanaka Rena。

Even though we're apart Reina is always thought right

Papa contact me

Papa、 reads my blog so this↑ is a message for papa ok

Reina really does like Fukuoka

Reina color's T-shirts filling the hall。。。

Reina call

I'll never forget them

Truly truly happy

Thank you

Tanaka Reina no Otsukareina