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Friday, January 14, 2011

Female Doctor(●´∀`●)

Good eveniing

Today the 14th is CD&DL Data 's release day



Female doctor Reina

At CD&DL Data 's photoshoot I always can wear various outfit so it's fun

Somehow I want you to wear this is thereーan outfit like thaat????

From what I heard Reina's not the one who's deciding so it may not get used but。。。(^_^

I want to try asking

Please let me hear it topknoot lol

Tomorrow is Hello Conceーrt

Which pattern was it again。。。lol

Have to remember it by tomorrow

Dohhyaー(○ ̄П ̄○)

Tanaka Reina no Otsukareina



Today there's something I want to introduce to everyone



Butter soy sauce flavoured you knoow

It's a hit

Reina likes the popcorn at Roppongi Hills' movie theater

It's covered with butter right

That really is the best you know

I also like caramel flavourー

Weellーit means I like all popcorn huh (●´∀`●)

Lately I haven't been going to movie theater huuh

I want to gーo

Tanaka Reina no Otsukareina