Live has endeed (°O °)
Today it was finished without any happening but。。。
But howeveer????
Nothiーng lol
After it's finished 1 bottle of this
Well all 1 bottle at once is impossible though。lol
The catering brought it along
Tomorrow morning drinking it with a chug I'll satisfy my stomach (lol)
Recently even after sleeping and sleeping and sleeping and sleeping。。。。and sleeping and sleeping(°O °)
I'm sleepy (´°Д°)
? ? Why? ?
Today it'd be nice if I can sleep earlyー huh
But I have to hula hoop too right
I've properly brought it to Nagoya as well you knoーw
Because for that sake I bought the preassembled one。(´∀` uha
Tomorrow's Uta no Rakuen watch it ok
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Eating yoghurt Now
Tokachi Yoghurt Now (lol)
・・・・Now (lol)
Twitter isn't iitー(´∀`)
I'm interested but I don't know how to do it
Remembering it is a bother so it's fineー。(lol)
I'm told it's simple but。。。
Tanaka Reina still doesn't feel like remembering it yet (lol)
But today my eyebags are awful~(__;)
Hiding them with foundation Now (lol)
Tanaka Reina who has an interest in Twitter (●´∀`●)
Morning When I Can't Endure It。。。
The number of comments at the place of yesterday's question compared to usual is more、、、
Growーing (°□°`)
Everyone really likes this kind of question huhー
I don't know if it'll get used or not but
If an authorised person from CD&DL Data sees it
Perhaps it may get used you knoow
But you knowー
MAX!! Excellently!! Too sleepy
Can't endure iーt (´°Д°)
Guess I'll have to sleep on the way huh
Help me pleaーse
Am I mistaking the blog's letters
My eyes are aalready at my limit